When checking the fields for any intruder, I find River. She’s in trouble and doesn’t want trouble but I can’t let her go. They are after her and without somewhere to go, they might find her so I talk her into staying. We call in some friends of my sister and then they in turn, call in some friends. Then all hell breaks loose. When they finally get control of things, word gets out about the cartel behind the MC’s troubles and someone else is very interested in helping.
When my brothers have finally gone over the edge of sanity I know I need to escape. But I want to let someone know what’s going on. I found Becca Jean at the old Wetlzer place under new management. They won’t let me go and after meeting Sayer Hyland, I really don’t want to go. With him, I know I’m safe. That’s when I realize there is more at stake here than just my life.... It gets complicated.