You never know what you're alive for unless you know what you would die for.
I belong with the Brothers of Chaos MC. I heal them when they get into trouble, that is until trouble came to us.
Trouble comes in the guise of two small women, Scarlet and Glory. Both are fearless warriors but that’s the stock they come from. Glory’s dad was a brother, her uncle and her grandfather all belonged too. She was a club princess but she would stand side by side with her family. Not behind them or in front of them but side by side with her brothers.
But the Brothers MC was targeted by another MC and it comes down to them or us. Then a deal with the wrong people all but wipes out the other MC the few that are left still come after us. Thunder decides its time to put down his foot and he gets help from the most unlikely source.
But is it too little too late? Lord, I hope not, cuz Glory means something to me now and I’ll go to the wall to protect what’s mine. The brothers and I will show the world what we stand for and they will finally understand what the chaos in our name means.
Then my past comes to raise hell and I have to make a choice. The Brothers or my family without Glory. They would never accept her and they told me that from the start.
I’m the daughter and the granddaughter of the MC world but I know exactly what I want. I want a man I can stand beside, not ahead or behind of. I want a man I can respect and not fear, I want a man who loves me, not my background. That’s a man hard to find, believe me I’ve tried.
Then I meet Taz and find he’s different from most. He’s a doctor with an actual degree. But there is a mystery there because he won’t tell me his real name. There is also a mystery behind his giving up a lucrative career to become part of an MC but he isn’t telling that either. And neither are his brothers. One thing I’ve found is that when one is in trouble, they all stand together.
Things come to a head when Odin is caught and tried by MC laws. But in the end, it isn’t the MC that takes his life, it’s the cartel he cheated for years that ends him. Everyone thinks the last hurdle has been crossed in order to bring Shelby and her son home but that doesn’t seem to be the case.
Taz’s family finally located him and they come with an ultimatum. He walks away from the MC and takes his place with them or they will ruin the MC. Question is what will Taz do?
I don’t fit into his world, his family makes me well aware of that, will he walk away from my world and me?