He was seventeen when he left Bangor, Maine and he’d hoped to leave his bad memories far behind. He would never forget the look of rage in his father’s eyes as he rode away. The way his fists were clenched at his sides and the glare on his face told everyone around him that Sam(Bones) Tory was not happy.
But for Deke, it’d been the only thing he could do. He had to get away from his father and the club he hated and even now, he hadn’t regretted that decision.
He joined the Satan Spawns MC in Troy New York. Gator and him tried to blend in, but the Club's Prez was a mean SOB. Every day, Deke came closer to an all out fight with Bear, the Prez. Until one night, Bear brought in a young woman he planned on abusing.
This was the night when all hell would break loose... inside the Satan's Spawn MC.