While we come under attack from the Zetran’s, Jackson Munroe escapes our custody. As his final f*ck you to Justice Zetran, he lobs a couple of rockets at the Zetran house, hoping to kill at least Justice. But as usual, the Sheriff misses the mark.
He may have missed the main characters but he did do one thing, he put Justice Zetran under the eyes of the right people. Now he couldn’t sweep this under the rug as Zetran was answering questions he never thought he’d have to answer.
While we are waiting for a second wave from the Zetrans, some of us go to keep an eye on the ranch. We already know the cartel is pulling back but Zetran still has some sway with an out of town MC. A wounded Zetran now desires to take us down before he falls. Even if it costs him his life, he wants to know we are no more. Then unexpectedly, we get help from an unexpected source…
All my life, I’ve been on the outside looking in, that’s never bothered me before. Now, I’m glad no one has ever acknowledged me. When the bombs started going off, I grabbed my mom and ran. But she was injured and couldn’t make it. She begged me to leave her behind. I didn’t want to but I didn’t have a choice.
I hid her the best I could and as soon as I crossed the line to the other side of the property, I saw her final act. She had set the lab on fire. I stumbled away and I knew she was gone. That act was her last middle finger to Justice and he would know who did the deed.
I stumble into the darkness and straight into the arms of a member of the Thor’s Hammer MC. One look into his eyes and I know I’m in deep trouble…Then he kisses me and my world crashes down around my feet.